If you are not familiar with the concept of a flash mob, then first let me explain. It occurs when a large group of people assemble in a public place and perform for a short time and then disperse. Recently, the number of flash mobs taking place around the world has increased and people have been using them as a great way to propose to their loved one. It will probably be caught on hundreds of cell phone cameras and may even go viral! It is a moment neither of you will ever forget and could be the perfect launch pad for your future life together! Endless Entertainment, a talent agency based out of Atlanta, is known for their all out flash mobs! Considering tying the knot? Why not make it a spectacular memory that will last a lifetime! For bookings please go to www.endless-entertainment.biz
Take your partner's breath away with a customized flash mob marriage proposal!
Check out one of Endless Entertainments Flash Mob Proposals in Action with original choreography to "Marry You" by Bruno Mars in Piedmont Park, Atlanta.